Release notes

This page contains the most significant changes in Signify between each release.

v0.6.1 (2024-03-21)

  • Require at least version v4.6.0 for requirement typing_extensions to ensure compatibility.

v0.6.0 (2024-03-17)

  • Drop support for Python 3.7, as it is end-of-life since June 2023. The minimum required version is now 3.8.

  • Changed some arguments of some methods to keyword-only arguments. This is a backwards-incompatible change.

  • Added support for Python 3.12.

  • Fix support for pyasn1 v0.5.1 and later

  • Added full typing support, with full and complete type annotations.

  • Added multi_verify_mode as argument to SignedPEFile.verify. This allows you to specify how you’d like to handle the case of multiple signatures in the PE file, but not all signatures validate. The Windows default seems to be to rely on the first signature, though Signify defaults to allow any signature to verify. Next to these two, we have also added the options for ‘all’ (all signatures must verify) and ‘best’ (the best must verify).

v0.5.2 (2023-04-22)

  • Pin pyasn1 dependency version to <0.5.0 for now, due to some apparent backwards-incompatible changes.

v0.5.1 (2023-03-22)

  • Remove PyInstaller hook and optional requirements from

v0.5.0 (2023-03-20)

  • Drop support for Python 3.6

  • Add support for ECC keys

  • Move certificates to a separate project, mscerts, so that we can update it separately

  • Fix DisallowedFileTime check in Authroot parsing to ensure it checks against the DisallowedFileTime and not the NotbeforeTime.

  • Fix parsing of Certificate.subject_public_key to ensure it returns a proper bytestring

  • Fix return statement of RFC3161SignedData.verify to return True.

v0.4.0 (2021-08-23)

The following backwards incompatible changes were made:

  • Drop support for Python 3.5

  • Moved some stuff around to make more clear packages: signify.fingerprinter will remain unchanged, signify.x509 combines certificates and their verification, signify.pkcs7 combines SignedData and SignerInfo, and signify.authenticode contains all Microsoft-related code. This change is also reflected in how the docs are structured.

  • Changed AuthenticodeSignedData.verify to accept countersignature_mode as an argument, replacing allow_countersignature_errors. This allows you to skip countersignatures entirely, allowing actually using CRL checks (otherwise, a timestamp would be set on the context of validation, which results in certvalidator disallowing the CRL check because it cannot work with both timestamps and CRLs).

  • Changed CertificateStore.verify_trust, VerificationContext.verify_trust and CertificateTrustList.verify_trust to accept a certificate chain instead of a single certificate. This allows us to check end-entity certificates in CertificateTrustList.

  • CertificateTrustSubject.is_valid has been removed.

The following features were added and bugs were fixed:

  • Added the functions explain_verify to SignedPEFile and AuthenticodeSignerInfo that return an easy-to-digest enum with the verification result.

  • Added support for nested SignedData structures inside the unauthenticated attributes of SignerInfo objects. These are transparently added to the SignedPEFile.signed_datas iterator. You can use SignedPEFile.iter_signed_datas to control this behaviour.

  • By default, now uses a properly parsed Microsoft CertificateTrustList to allow partial removal of some certificates from the store, fixing a bug with our original implementation. This aligns with the implementation on Windows, and allows Microsoft to remove untrusted certificates from a certain timestamp, or to only allow certain EKU’s. To restore original behaviour, use TRUSTED_CERTIFICATE_STORE_NO_CTL as certificate store.

  • Fixed issue where an abnormal order in the authenticated attributes of SignerInfo objects would cause validation to fail.

v0.3.0 (2020-08-16)

This release should be mostly backwards-compatible, but various features have been added that warranted a larger version increase.

  • Support for passing in a different trusted certificate store than the default in various verify functions

  • Added option to ignore countersignature errors when validating

  • Added support for SHA-384 and SHA-512

  • Added Certificate.from_pems, Certificate.__hash__, Certificate.sha1_fingerprint, Certificate.sha256_fingerprint

  • Added CertificateStore.find_certificate and CertificateStore.find_certificates

  • Added support for authroot.stl (signify.authroot), though we haven’t figured out how it works exactly yet. Support can be used by adding a ctl to a trusted CertificateStore.

  • Updated authenticode certificate store by basing it on Microsoft’s authroot.stl

  • Fixed bug in RFC3161 countersignatures that contain malformed RFC5652 structures

  • Fixed bug in RFC3161 countersignatures that have a different digest function and hash function

v0.2.0 (2020-04-27)

This release contains various backwards-incompatible changes.

  • Fix error that SpcSpOpusInfo was considered required

  • Fix error that CounterSignerInfo would require a specific content type

  • Fix error that countersignatures could be present as entire RFC3161 responses

  • Add option to process CRL checks and OCSP responses

  • Change to use the module pyasn1-modules instead of own ASN.1 classes

  • Change issuer/subject to a specific class

v0.1.5 (2019-03-16)

  • Resolve error that would cause in infinite loops in parsing of the authenticode certtable (contributed by wtfuzz)

v0.1.4 (2018-12-15)

  • Prevent iterating over duplicate certificates

  • Fix bug where some samples would not be recognized as signed

  • Add support for sha256 hashes

  • Fix bug where countersignature verification would use the wrong digest algorithm

  • Add a lot more built-in certificates

  • Fix some error-handling and reporting

v0.1.3 (2018-12-15)

  • Increase minimum Python to 3.5

  • Adjust location of certificate store and ensure it is included

  • Add option to get a list of all potential chains

  • Add option to get components of a issuer/subject

v0.1.2 (2018-03-25)

  • Change from using cryptography to using certvalidator

  • Rewrite of validation routines

v0.1.1 (2018-03-25)

  • Rename to Signify

  • Modify how trust is determined in a certificate store

v0.1 (2018-03-18)

Initial release